Idea Bank

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Team WantedLineaDApp

web3 口语任务

1. 用什么学什么:练习素材来自 web3 课程资料。 2. 强化听觉和表达:练习方式以音频+复述的形式为主,强化听觉和表达,弱化视觉。 3. 练习动机的激励:采用质押以及交流群的方式,提升练习的积极性。 4. 引入 AI:通过 AI技术进行语音识别和测评。

By Conrad
Team WantedLineaGameFi

Feeding Frenzy but Frog!

我们的解决方案是利用区块链技术,将大鱼吃小鱼游戏的核心逻辑和数据存储迁移到区块链上,实现以下功能: 3.1 游戏逻辑上链 智能合约: 使用智能合约实现游戏的核心逻辑,包括大鱼吃小鱼的规则、玩家状态更新、游戏胜负判定等。 透明度: 所有游戏逻辑和数据都会记录在区块链上,任何人都可以查看和验证,确保游戏的公平性。 3.2 资产上链 NFTs (非同质化代币): 将游戏中的虚拟资产(例如鱼的皮肤、等级、特殊能力等)铸造成NFTs,确保玩家对资产的真正所有权。 跨游戏互操作性: 通过NFTs,玩家可以将虚拟资产在不同的区块链游戏中互操作,实现资产的跨游戏流通。 3.3 奖励机制 代币奖励: 在游戏中引入代币奖励机制,玩家可以通过游戏胜利或完成特定任务获得区块链代币奖励。 去中心化市场: 玩家可以在去中心化市场上自由交易他们的NFT资产和代币,实现真正的资产流通和价值体现。

By KKdmw

All Ideas

Team WantedAllDAO



By mr k
Team WantedAllDAO

Everything DAO


By mr k


1. Namespace/Personal Space Management 2. Contract Component Discovery Ecosystem 3. Component and Application Build Tools 4. Ecosystem Integration 4.1Provide API interfaces to support AI description word generation websites. 4.2Support users in front-end design and contract combination through AI, provide simulation execution functions, and display execution results. 4.3A wallet system centered on Discover and space, helping users discover and access contract front-ends in the ecosystem and manage their space systems.

By 0xWrapper
Team WantedSolanaDeFi



By Qian Jiang

DePin 2.0

A potential solution involves leveraging zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to certify the execution of specific swarm strategies without revealing the strategy’s details. This cryptographic technique can validate that a swarm operated according to a pre-defined algorithm, based on hardware-attested data collected from the swarm and cryptographically signed information from external sensors. By incorporating ZKPs, we can establish a trustless environment where the behavior of robot swarms is verified in real-time, mitigating the risk posed by Byzantine robots.

By Harry Zhang

Alternative Paths to Verifiable Inference

Several approaches are being explored. This is a relatively new field and there is an opportunity for different approaches that make different tradeoffs. Ora is experimenting with opML. This approach involves a single party ‘optimistically’ inferencing a model, putting the result on-chain, and incentivising verifiers to challenge incorrect results by paying them tokens. Aizel is building a solution based on Multi-Party-Computation (MPC) and Trusted Execution Environments (TEE). Their aim is to do verifiable inference at the same cost as normal inference.

By Harry Zhang

Verifiable Training

Make the training process itself verifiable. Build tools to break down how a model was trained and check if it contains a given piece of data. Several approaches can be explored: Integrate cryptographic primitives into the training process itself. For example, Pytorch NFT Callback hashes the current network weights, some metadata (data, accuracy, etc…) and your eth address every N epoch, which proves who did the model training. Note: This approach introduces a performance overhead to training models.

By Harry Zhang


Automate proposals by giving members of a DAO an AI Agent that votes on their behalf based on their values. The model could use a Bayesian approach which takes into account the uncertainty in the decision being made. If the uncertainty is above a threshold, then bring the proposal to the attention of the members of the DAO and require a manual vote. The onboarding process for creating these AI agents needs to be streamlined for users to adopt this. A combination of on-chain and off-chain data from each user can be used to define the preferences of a user without too much manual work.

By Harry Zhang
Team WantedLineaSociFi

Web3 Tinder社交平台

1. 連結錢包登入 2. 藉由用戶在平台上的互動獲取配對值 3. 配對值需消耗一定的token(賦予token價值) 註冊時直接可用錢包登入,免去註冊流程 每個人都會有配對值,配對值等級取決於在平台上的互動(留言數、點讚數、登入等) 配對值有等級制,也代表你在平台的會員層級 不同會員層級,在配對時需要用token去配對

By Becky Chang
Team WantedLineaDeSci


1. 連結錢包登入 2. 藉由用戶在平台上的互動獲取配對值 3. 配對值需消耗一定的token(賦予token價值) 註冊時直接可用錢包登入,免去註冊流程 每個人都會有配對值,配對值等級取決於在平台上的互動(留言數、點讚數、登入等) 配對值有等級制,也代表你在平台的會員層級 不同會員層級,在配對時需要用token去配對

By Becky Chang
Team WantedLineaNFT


1. 官方发售渠道 2. 用户展示平台 3. 用户资源交易平台

By A001
Team WantedAllSociFi


1. 利用區塊鏈、去中心化存儲等技術,實現無需中央管理機構的論壇運營,確保數據透明和不可篡改; 2. 採用半去中心化混合治理模式,由部分用戶擔任的版主負責日常運營,通過投票解決爭議,保證整體運營效率的基礎上提升普通内容貢獻者的參與感和公平性; 3. 内容版權保護、數據安全與隱私保護:通過非對稱加密技術實現用戶對自己創建的内容的管理、訪問和擁有權,同時通過去中心化架構,實現運營透明、防作弊防貪污、提高論壇内容抗審查能力等; 4. 個人創作激勵機制:引入代幣經濟,用戶可通過發佈優質内容、積極參與討論等方式獲得激勵,提升優質内容創作熱情; 5. 引入信任鏈,降低個人用戶與機構用戶閒信任成本,便捷實現交易、交流、廣告投放等功能。

By Faelen