
NFT - Part 2

In Part 2 of the NFT course, we will learn to implement more three functions of our NFT contract, that support transferring and burning of NFTs.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.5h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • For developers who are interested in learning about DeFi
  • For developers who want to learn about the technical implementation of cryptocurrencies.


  • It is recommended to first complete the content of NFT-Part 1.
  • Basic understanding of Solidity is recommended - at a minimum, you should be familiar with the content from the course Solidity101 to Solidity103
  • Possess an Ethereum account, connected to both Mantle and a wallet, holding either Mantle tokens or test tokens (for those wishing to perform real on-chain operations, though deployment can also be done directly in a local environment if test tokens are not available).

What You’ll Learn

  • Writing projects in Solidity to implement the functions of deleting, burning, and transferring of NFTs.
  • How to use a wallet to initiate transactions, get your project on-chain, and view relevant information.


  • Unit 1 - Delete - Section 1

    In this section, we will learn to start writing the 'deleteById' function.

  • Unit 2 - Delete - Section 2

    Here, we will learn how to complete the 'deleteById' function.

  • Unit 3 - Transfer - Section 1

    In this section, we will learn to start writing the transfer function.

  • Unit 4 - Transfer - Section 2

    This section will teach us how to complete the transfer function.

  • Unit 5 - Burn - Section 1

    Here, we will learn to start writing the burn function.

  • Unit 6 - Burn - Section 2

    In this final section, we will learn how to complete the burn function.


NFT - Part 2

29 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop