
Yield Farming - Part 1

What is Yield Farming and how does it work? Yield farming is a foundational DeFi strategy where investor stakes crypto assets to earn a higher return. In Part 1 of the Yield Farming course, we will learn to build the basic structure of a liquidity mining system, including LP Token, Treasury, and Yield Farming contracts.

Skill LevelBeginner
Total Length1.7h

Intended Learners

Who’s This Course For

  • For developers who are interested in blockchain finance
  • For developers who are looking to learn Solidity programming applications


  • Basic understanding of cryptocurrency, liquidity mining concepts; prior study of DEX series courses recommended
  • Familiarity with ERC20/IERC20 standards
  • Basic Solidity programming skills, with a recommendation to first complete Solidity foundational courses (at least Solidity 101 to 104)
  • Possess an Ethereum account, connected to both Mantle and a wallet, holding either Mantle tokens or test tokens (for those wishing to perform real on-chain operations, though deployment can also be done directly in a local environment if test tokens are not available)

What You’ll Learn

  • Creation and initialization of the main contract LoanSystem, and auxiliary contracts Treasury and LoanLibray.
  • Step-by-step guidance on contract function testing and on-chain operation tutorials.
liquidity pool
LP token


  • Mock LP Token - 1

    This unit setup the LP Token.

  • Mock LP Token - 2

    This unit implement the minting of LP Token.

  • Mock Treasury - 1

    Setup the Treasury contract.

  • Mock Treasury - 2

    This unit implement the withdraw function.

  • Yield Farming Contract

    Setup the Yield Farming contract.


Yield Farming - Part 1

26 lessons
Access on mobile and desktop